National Civil Rights Museum
National Civil Rights Museum at The Lorraine Motel
Memphis, TN
The wholesale renovation of the National Civil Rights Museum—located at the site of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination—involved 5 years of work, 35,000 square feet of renovation work (indoors and out) and 400 years of incredible history. The client tasked H+R with retaining the site's iconic status while updating its interpretive design for a 21st-century audience. Twenty-six galleries trace the struggle for justice, from the arrival of the first enslaved Africans on America's shores to the rise of Black Power. A fully re-envisioned interpretive and multimedia program tells the story of the long Civil Rights Movement, fore-fronting the women, young people and unsung heroes who made history. H+R served as prime contractor, overseeing a large and diverse team of more than 40 subcontractors, including the architect, landscape architect, multimedia producers and technical consultants, scholarly advisors, scriptwriters and exhibit fabricators.