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Potomac River Waterfront Community Park


Potomac Crossing Consultants and Prince George's County Parks


Prince George's County, MD

Located on the Woodrow Wilson Bridge deckover on the Maryland side, this new, elevated urban park with fabulous views of the Potomac River and Prince George’s County provides a means for the county to highlight both its historic and natural resources as well as welcome Virginia residents arriving along the bridge’s bike/pedestrian trail. Granite walls etched with line art support exhibit panels featuring custom illustrations of Captain John Smith’s encounter with the Piscataway Indians near this spot in 1608, and interpretation of the life of the river and the history of the county. The walls also provide shelter and a sense of place on this wind-swept plateau. An eagle sculpture mounted on a pole, visible from afar by passing motorists, marks this spot as a designated eagle sanctuary and provides a spotter scope trained on a nest plus a changeable message board for posting news of the latest eagle siting. Custom stone pavers inset in the deckover are each etched with an image and fun fact about each of nine different Potomac River fish.

"With almost 250,000 trips generated since opening… the park is incredibly popular. This extremely complex, multi-jurisdiction effort was completed on time and under budget. The park provides recreational opportunities where none existed."
Howard+Revis Design  |  901 2nd Street NE, Washington, DC 20002  |  202-546-0022
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